Sunday, April 30, 2017


Top: MuraShop Clothing | Sunnies & Shorts: Bazaar

It's the last day of April and these photos were taken April 1st. Haha! I'm wearing the summer top from one of my fave stalls in Trendsetter's Bazaar, MuraShop Clothing. You can visit their IG page on the link above. So.. my weekends are always fully booked with errands that's why less time to select/edit photos to post here. But, hey! I'm back and I'm looking fat (okay, I know some will disagree on the "looking fat" line ). :| Seriously, I can't stop eating and I keep thinking about pigging out. I had to inhale guys and that's the trick. Haha!

Spent the month of April in the city working, catching up with my friends and going out with mama simply because I have no beach plans yet. I'm so beach deprived as in and I can't wait til my next paradise escape -- May it is. ♡ I'm excited and I'll see you very very soon.

Credits to my mama dear for these photos and for the next OOTD backlog posts I'll share here. xoxo.

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